Monday, February 14, 2005


For all of those who needed a little extra practise. Here are a few BASIC question to help prepare you for the test. Obviously the test will be more indepth, but if you can handle these few question you are on the right path for studying.

Examine the chemical processes below, and then determine if they are undergoing dehydration synthesis or hydrolysis.

The production of a dissacharide from glucose and fructose. ________________________________. (1)

The breakdown of a fat into a glycerol and 3 fatty acids. _______________________________. (1)

The breaking down of maltase into two molecules of glucose.
__________________________. (1)

Answer the following questions concerning the pictures below.

( There should be a fatty acid witha double bond in it here)
(Sorry I can't post pictures...yet!...I'm still learning how!)

The above molecule is a: protein, carbohydrate, lipid, or nucleic acid. (1)

What is the double bonded oxygen, hydrogen end group called? (1)

Is the above molecule saturated or unsaturated?____________________________.(1)

Draw the chemical structural formula of an amino acid in the space provided below.(1)

Circle and label the 3 groups on the above diagram (3)

What components make up a nucleotide? (1)

GOOD LUCK TONIGHT AND AGAIN 7:45 am I will hold another tiny answer period for questions incase you missed out 1 1/12 hr review after school yesterday.


Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said... is going to be an informal lab so do the " refer to page....blah blah blah....but please make sure you state what changes you did to the lab!

IF NOT YOU WILL LOSE we did alter it and it is imperative that you state the changes. We can discuss further tomorrow in class. Have agood night

Wednesday, February 16, 2005  

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