Thursday, June 16, 2005


Thanks for a great semester.
I hope you have enjoyed something about the class or just enjoyed me as a teacher, hopefully you have learned a few things along the weird and winding road that I use for teaching.

Here are a few things that we have learned during the term that you should be able to answer.
These questions are an extension from the review sheet given in class.




• List and identify the properties of water
Name and draw the major macromolecules found in living systems.
• What are the four levels of proteins?
• Fully describe the structure of DNA.
• Identify various organic compounds.
• Describe the structure of the cell membrane.
• What is a phospholipid?
• State the importance of homeostasis.
• Identify and explain the various methods of transport across the cell membrane.
• What is osmosis and the various types of osmotic solutions?
• Compare active and passive transport and endocytosis and exocytosis.
• Identify and state the functions of the various cell organelles.
• State the differences between plant and animal cells.
• Describe the two stages of protein synthesis and those structures that are involved.
• Explain the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. How does each of these compare with each other? What organelles are involved?
• Compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
• What are two types of fermentations?
• Name and describe three processes that occur during cellular respiration.


• What are the differences between vascular and non-vascular plants?
• Identify the major organs of a plant and there primary function.
• What are the two classifications of angiosperms?
• Compare those characteristics of monocots and dicots.
• Name two types o0f monocots.
• How does the vascular tissue in monocots and dicots differ?
• State the function of xylem and phloem.
• State the function of the various structures that are found in a cross section of a leaf.
• Explain how guard cells are able to control the movement of gas exchange in plants?
• Identify three types of stems.
• Identify the various tissues found in a cross section of a root.
• What is the importance of the meristematic tissues in plants?


• Name the six kingdoms.
• State the differences between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
• What is a dichotomous key? Give an example.
• Why is it important to use the scientific names of organisms?
• Identify and explain the hierarchy of classification. Why is it important?
• Why is genetic variation important to the survival of organisms?
• What is phylogeny? How does it work?
• Define cladogram and give an example
• What characteristics would separate each kingdom?


• Describe Mendel’s experiments.
• Why did Mendel use pea plants?
• What are the differences between an F1 generation and F2 generation?
• What is the relationship between dominant and recessive traits?
• What are alleles?
• What does the law of dominance state? How does Mendel’s experiments prove this?
• Compare homozygous and heterozygous and genotype and phenotype.
• What is the law of random segregation?
• Be able to do the following types of crosses; monohybrid crosses, dehydrate crosses, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles and co dominance and sex linked problems. What is the difference between each of these crosses?
• Explain probability.
• Why is it important to use a punnett square?
• What are the two stages of meiosis called? Explain what happens during each phase.
• Identify the various stages of meiosis.
• Compare meiosis and mitosis.
• Compare the differences between oogenesis and spermatogenesis.
• Illustrate how DNA replicates.
• Identify those structures that make up the DNA molecule.
• What is a pedigree? Why is it important?
• Be able to use a pedigree to determine the genotype and phenotypes of individuals.
• Identify sex-linked traits


Anonymous Anonymous said...



Thursday, June 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mr Smith..its Jeri....umm i seem to have forgotten your email address at home so..if you could send it to me or if you have mine from before just send a quick email so that I can send this and ask a few questions....sorry!

Friday, June 17, 2005  
Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said... I hope this finds you well JEri and with your assignment if possible.

Friday, June 17, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh its going to be a long night...but great review..thanks mr smith

Wednesday, June 22, 2005  

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