Saturday, February 26, 2005


LAB REPORT FORMAT: ( 15 marks total)

Title page
- Specific portion of the lab that you performed ( temperature or concentration)
_ Group members names
_ Period of day
_ Teachers name

Purpose, Materials, Procedures:
These are allready done on your original lab sheet so
this sheet must be included.

Observation Tables:
_The two tables ,ust be filled in with your correct data
_ Take your data and plot it in a graph format with the graph paper provided in the lab.
( please note no computer generatd graphs will be accepted.) (5marks)

Disccussion Questions:
_ These questions can be found at the bottome of your lab sheet. There are 4 to 5 questions
depending on which lab your performed. (5marks)

_ Write a proper conclussion (5 marks)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Smith. The questions expect you to write a conclusion and state sources of error, do you want us to answer the questions and also write another conclusion with the exact same information?

Sunday, February 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Smith, question #4 for part A says make a conclusion regarding the effect of temperature on the rate of diffusions. Use the particle theory to explain why this occurs. what is the particle theory i can't find it in my textbook or online?

Sunday, February 27, 2005  
Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said...

Anonymous Question 1. Yes please answer the questions. # 1, 2, 3
(lab dependent), as the other two questions help produce a specific conclussion that I am looking for (based on the other 2 questions).

Anonymous Question #2. The particle theory is someting that you should know from both grade 9 and 10 science. Hint look it up on the net or your notes from previous years. Sorry, but that is oart of the knowledge you need to do the lab and allready have been subjected to it, and would be unfair for me to tell you as then I would be accomplishing that aprt of your lab for you!

Sunday, February 27, 2005  

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