Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Meristems, Internal Regulation, Growth Hormones, and Tropisms

SBI3U BIOLOGY: Plant Unit Chapter 15

There are two types of meristem tissue

A) Apical Meristem Tissue

Found in
• shoot tips results in leaves and flowers
• ii) root tips ( the growing root is protected by a root cap)

B) Lateral Meristem Tissue Found beneath the bark of tree stems.
Results in the thickening of cylinders of tissues Woody plants have two
kinds of lateral meristem

• vascular cambium - produces xylem and phloem cells in the stems and roots
• ii) cork cambium - produces a tough covering for the surface of stems and roots (bark of a tree)


Meristem tissue enables plants to grow from cuttings. This is the bases for plant cloning and is important to agriculture in growing genetically identical plants from a single cell or part of an organism. This method is faster than growing the plant from seed.

INTERNAL REGULATION OF PLANT GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT In order for a plant to reach its maximum height, it requires optimal growing conditions. i.e. adequate moisture, warmth, light and nutrients

A plant's growth and development is also controlled by its hormones.

Hormone: is a chemical compound that is manufactured by specialized tissue that regulates the activities of another body part that contains a specific "target" tissue or organs.
There are two types of plant growth hormones.

a) promoter hormones: are hormones that causes growth

b) inhibitor hormones: are hormones that block growth


Tropism: • Is a directional growth response to unequal stimulation from the
external environment

it controls the growth pattern of plants

• Plant tropism's are affected by light, gravity touch

Positive tropism: • Is when the plant grows towards the stimuli
Negative tropism: • Is when the plant grows away from the stimuli


Tropism and its Effect

• The growth of the plant is affected by light
• This is a positive tropism since the plant grows towards the light
• Roots of a plant will show a negative tropism and grow away
from the light
• The hormone auxin will accumulate on the dark side of the
stem and causes the cells to elongate causing the plant to
grow towards the light
• Turning the plant will not cause the curve to be removed

• is a plants response to gravity
• positive gravitropism which causes the roots to grow
• negative gravitropism which causes the stems and shoots to
grow upward

• is the response of the plant to touch
• positive tropism is seen in vining plants when they touch an
object they will grow around that object
• a negative tropism is seen when the plant will grow away from
the object

Nastic Movement
• are caused by a stimulus that is not directional
• i.e. leaves on a mimosa plant fold up when touched
• leaves will fall in the same direction no matter where they are
touched and therefore is not an example of thigmotropism
• they folding is due to a change in turgor pressure in the cells at the
base of the plant
• a drop in pressure causes the cells at the base of the leaflets to fold down
• once the stimulus is removed, the turgor pressure will again increase causing the leaflet to rise.


Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said...

AH that was in class today ryan. You can pick one up tomorrow during the review period.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr.Smith, I was just wondering, because its April Fools Day tomorrow could you by any chance move the test to monday?and as a joke pretend to have it on Friday?

Thursday, March 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Smith I was wondering because we will not be taking observations or testing our plants during the weekend, do we include those 2 days in our lab when we come back monday.Also if one of our plants was broken in half by accident should I keep using and observing it or get a new plant and start from scratch? What are your thoughts?

Saturday, April 02, 2005  
Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said...

Steve for the broken plant, please replace it with a new plant. As for your observations and procedures make sure you indicate that one was damaged and had to be replaced. Also note in your report that this plant will be tested a few days shorter than the rest because of the days lost due to damage and replacement.

Sunday, April 03, 2005  

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