Sunday, March 20, 2005


Hello Class I hope that everyone has had an exceptionally great March Break.
Tomorrow we will fully begin our PLANT UNIT. This is what we will be covering in the next 2 weeks. There is no handout book for this unit so it is imperative for you to do the textbook readings.

Here is the break down of our PLANT UNIT.


Topic Homework T/B Readings Assigned Work

1 Plant Classification and
Monocots vs Dicots-Activity 526 in T/B p.531-540
T/B p.530 #2,4 and p.534 #1-4 (This was done on the friday before march break)
Your assignment is also due.

2 Vascular systems , Leaf anatomy
and function p.540-546

3 Stem anatomy and function

4 Root anatomy and function p.538-539

5 Lab: Observing stomatal action p.554-565 Complete Lab (due in two days)

6 Plant responses to stimuli
7 Plant responses to stimuli

8 Plant Experiment-Culminating activity Study for test

9 Review Study for test

10 Plant Unit Test


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey mr smith.. i just got home from holidays today and as you know i wasn't here on friday so im not sure what the assignment was.. if you could tell me that would be awesome!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005  

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