Monday, March 21, 2005

ASSIGNMENT - Ethanol Fuel

This is for all of those of you whom where away, or absent during Fridays class before the break.


Read pg 98- 101 in textbook.

1) Describe in your own words the process of making "fuel ethanol" ** Ensure that you include the reactants and products that produce and make it. (5 marks)

2) List the advantages and disadvantages of using ethanol fuel for automobiles. ( 5 marks)

3) Describe the long term effects and impact on our planet from the use of our current fuel
( gasoline, oil) as well as our alternative fuel types ( 5 marks)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey mr smith just woundering when u will post that note and the readings for 2morrow

Monday, March 21, 2005  
Blogger Mr. V. T. Smith said...

the readings for tomorrow can be found in yesterdays heading titled PLANT UNIT OVERVIEW. AS for that note Bret I will have a copy for you tomorrow in class as it would not accept it on this blog site correctly.

Monday, March 21, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi mr, smith

do we have to do any readings for tommorrow? or is it just going over our notes, because it says we have to read p.538-539 in our outline, but we a already read these pages?

Mariam ^_^

Tuesday, March 22, 2005  

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