Friday, April 15, 2005


Hello classes please note the following about the lab.

There were no seeds left to compare the initial mass of the seeds to show a linear correlation to the end bio mass. Please still include this portion in your lab, however if you were unable to obtain the seeds mass no problem just graph the final biomass of your plants for number 11 in the lab. No marks will be deducted for those who do not habe the seed masses included.

if there are any questions please use the blog site to ask.

As for the presenttaions for GENETIC DISORDERS. may do it it in partners. I strongly encourage that!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

page 9 in HO Posted by Hello

page 8 in HO Posted by Hello

page 7 in HO Posted by Hello

page 6 in HO Posted by Hello

page 5 in HO Posted by Hello


Here are the fill in the blank notes from today's lesson. PLease make sure that you read page 120-125 in the McGraw-Hill textbook to undeerstand this material.
We shall continue with Genetics on Friday.

Your test is tomorrow

Test break down
31 marks Knowledge - multi choice, T/F, diagrams

11 marks Communicattion - short answers

Please bring pencils to class as well as your scantron cards. If both sides have been used then you willbe issued a new scantron card.

I will not be there tomorrow to give you extra pecils, so make sure you have them!